Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

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From: Terry Baker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Subject: [The NetLetter] NetLetter nr 711 Aug 10/02 - The NetLetter
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 15:20:11 -0700
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T H E                    _| TCA |_
_|\| AIR |/|_
N E T L E T T E R   >  CANADA   <
( For retirees of the new Air Canada family)

Number 711  Aug 10th, 2002 First published in October 1995.
Circulation: 2400+

Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson   -      Co-pilot  - Terry Baker

To get in touch with either editor/pilot our  email address is
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. Need to know.
Eligible Family Members Travelling With Family Affair Tickets Can’t
Accumulate Frequent Flyer Benefits. Employees are asked to advise their family
members that they can’t accumulate any frequent flyer miles/points when they
travel with Family Affair tickets. Whether checking in at an Express Check-in
kiosk or with Customer Sales and Service Agent (CSSA), Family Affair travellers
should not present any frequent flyer cards. CSSAs shouldn’t to accept these
cards. Further, these types of tickets do not allow access to any of the Maple
Leaf Lounges™, regardless of the customers' tier status.

Employee Travel advises -
The ATSC (Air Travelers Security Charge) can be claimed back
under the following conditions -
4 hour domestic/12hour transborder/24 hour international connections
exempt if the previous flight included a chargeable enplanement or began
outside of Canada
Send photocopies of all boarding passes and tickets or service charge
deduction to Refunds , 355 Portage Avenue, Box 768
YWG3859 (for non self ticketing) or YWG 3849 (for self ticketing)
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2C3

" ' "

. News from the Pionair districts -
The Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands -
Situated on the top of the Olympic Mountains in Washington State.
Booked for Wednesday September 18th: Ferry leaves Victoria at 1030
arrives Port Angeles at 1215 - bus leaves at 1230. Return back to terminal by
1630 for 1715 Ferry departure which arrives back in Victoria at 1845.
Travel time to the top is 45 minutes - 18 miles - altitude 5600.
Re lunch: Eat on Ferry, take something off the ferry or bring your own
At top snack bar for hot and cold drinks plus hot dogs.
Activity: Trails at top for the active folks and benches for those who
just want to sit and look at the view.
Rate: Ferry cost ca$24.30 - Bus Tour ca$32.00 - Total cost ca$56.30
(prices could fluctuate re Exchange)
Collecting in advance only for Bus tour ca$32.00 payment mailed to
Treasurer             DEADLINE September 4th.
Address: Marjorie Thorpe 1769 Astra Road Comox BC V9M 4B6
At Ferry departure there is Robbins parking lot - from 6AM till 6PM -
$5.00 - additional hours $1.00 each.
On Quebec Street couple of blocks away Robbins again from 6AM till 6PM -
$2.00 - additional hours $1.00 each. (save three dollars Right)

" ' "

. Progress report   on Lockheed  "Tango Charlie Charlie"

The Lockheed spent ten days in Winnipeg maintenance from July 17th through
26th. This was  scheduled maintenance time following the completion of flying
in Halifax on the 14th.

While in Winnipeg the aircraft underwent  a one hundred hour inspection. In
addition other progressive maintenance items were carried out.

The propeller governors were removed and overhauled. The seats removed and new
carpeting installed. New cabin windows, which were made by the staff at Dorval
finishing shop, were installed as no  aircraft time was available in Montreal
to install same. The right engine carburetor was removed and replaced by a
recently overhauled one. The aircraft was washed and cleaned and returned to
service on the 26th. All the above was done by the AME s in Winnipeg who
volunteer their time .

Capt. Harvey Reid and Capt. Gerry Norberg flew the aircraft to Regina on the
evening of the 26th. The next two days saw TCC fly for DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT for
the Regina volunteers. Capt. Norberg reported the aircraft was well received
and flights were full. Shell Aviation hosted the flying from the Shell Aero
Center. On completion of the two days flying, Capt. Reid and Norberg ferried
the aircraft to Calgary, on Sunday evening, for storage for the week in the
Company hangar.

This weekend, Aug 3rd and 4th, Capt. Ken Patry and Gerry Norberg are flying
TCC  in Edmonton at the International airport. Shell Aero Center is again
hosting the operation. Tomorrow evening (Sunday) the aircraft will be ferried
back to Calgary to be in position for DREAMS flying there on weekend of Aug.
10th and 11th.

Anyone interested in flying or seeing the aircraft in Calgary, the aircraft
will be at the Shell Aero Center all day Sat and Sun. It will then fly to
Vancouver for the week of Aug 17th and 18th.

The Calgary chapter of DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT has just announced, on their website,
that in addition to the flight to Disneyland for which Air Canada donates the
B767 aircraft, they are planning to charter an additional B767 and sponsor two
planeloads of children this year. A tip of the hat to the Calgary staff for
their dedication and fundraising skills !!
Alan MacLeod

" ' "

. Gordon Girvan sends us some supplementary information regarding the First
Air B737
mentioned in NetLetter nr 709 -
With ref to the First Air B737 with the gravel kit installation. The
nozzles are vortex dissipaters, not generators. A vortex is naturally
formed when a jet engine is running and can suck small stones and other
debris into the engines unless broken up. The high speed jets of air
from the nozzles disrupt this vortex and prevents the ingestion of
foreign objects into the engine. Vortex generators on the B737 are the
small 'shark-like' objects on the upper wing surface stuck on with epoxy
glue and smoothes out the airflow over the wing and also provides
increased fuel economy.

" ' "

Subject: PRESTWICK CLOSE REUNION - Oct. 1-4, 2002
Arrangements have been finalized for the 33rd Prestwick Close Reunion to be
at the Qualicum College Inn in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, B.C. from
October 1 – 4, 2002. The golf courses we will be playing will be Eaglecrest and
Morning Star
The Qualicum Inn will be holding 21 rooms for us until September 1st. by which
time they will require a deposit for each room. You must make your own
reservations by contacting Mike Smallenberg or mentioning the Prestwick Close
reunion. The toll-free number is: 1-800-663-7306.
Our package will be as follows:
3 nights shared accommodation – Oct. 1, 2, 3
3 full breakfasts each – Oct. 2, 3, 4
2 full 3-course dinners each – Oct. 2 & 3
2 rounds of golf, plus cart each - Oct. 2 & 3
hospitality room with hors d’oeuvres
The rates will be – With golf will be $340 per person, including taxes,
gratuities extra
Without golf – $230 per person, including taxes, gratuities extra
The Inn is located off the Island Highway (19A), overlooking Georgia Strait in
Oceanside, Qualicum Beach. It is ½ hour from Nanaimo and Comox and 2 hours from
Victoria. There is a courtesy pick-up from the train/bus stations.
We would appreciate hearing from you if you plan to attend and whether you will
be golfing. Contact us by telephone, snail mail or e-mail, please. Hoping to
see you all again and hope all you westerners will be there.
Bonnie & George Landry
277 Bayview Road, Pincourt, Qc.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Remember when!
From the February 1947 issue of Between Ourselves, which had been saved all
these years by Reg Watkins, and sent to us by Jim Pearce.
Entitled "Boom Days in Winnipeg" -
We all know the reaction. Somebody comes into Winnipeg's Operation Headquarters
after a year's interval, looks goggle-eyed about and mutters: "What's
The big plant out at Stevenson Field just won't sit still. Turn your back and
new offices, hangars and shops spring up. Blink your eyes and you find
everybody relocated from the office boy to the Vice-President. It is all a bit
bewildering even to the local inhabitants.
Of course, TCA growth is the explanation. We have a lot more work to do and
need a lot more room to do it in. What complicates thc situation is the fact
that material shortages render desirable permanent construction difficult, and
we must constantly make compromises and accept makeshifts.
For that reason, Headquarters today is assuming the general contour of a
sprawling octopus. We began with one hangar and its office annexes. Then the
war brought a service building, closely followed by another and by a second
hangar and annex. Soon we had reached into the old RCAF No.5 Release Centre for
central Stores accommodation. Then came a limited incursion in the opposite
direction,  into the ex-RCAF No.8 Repair Depot.
Now we plan a further invasion of that latter area.
Within the next month or two TCA expects to occupy two large office buildings
in the No. 8 compound. Into one will probably go the Accounting, Cargo and
Engineering Departments. Into the other will move the office of the General
Manager of Operations and the Communications Department. The space at present
occupied by these groups will be released for the very necessary expansion of
our maintenance and overhaul facilities and for the probable accommodation of
the General Traffic Offices who are moving to the field from downtown Winnipeg.
Simultaneously, work is proceeding on a new two-story shop and office annex to
Hangar No, I. It is also planned to enlarge the over-taxed passenger waiting
room through a re-allocation of space.
All this should make for better working conditions and performance. The one big
problem that keeps many an employee sleepless is: "How about that long trek to
the cafeteria for coffee?" But there are rumors of a restaurant for No.8.

Under the heading - The Old Gives Way to the New" -
Some time ago we announced that our Lockheeds were being put up for sale. These
aircraft which have become so familiar to us during the past years, could no
longer keep up to the pace of our rapid expansion. It wasn't that they had
become out of condition or obsolete - the rapt attentions of our Servicing and
Maintenance, and Engineering Departments had ensured that this didn't happen.
It was simply that we had outgrown them. Their capacity was no longer
sufficient to carry all our passengers, and now it is necessary for us to fly
larger aircraft.
So now the Lockheeds are on the auction block. CF-TCK fin 33 is the first one
to be sold. The purchaser was the Photographic Survey Co. of Toronto. With a
few modifications, some of which were made by us, this aircraft will be used
for aerial photography work, surveying Canada's topography from the air.
The first of a great fleet that served us so long and so faithfully, has gone.
But a host of memories still remain behind.
(The article was accompanied by a photo of the aircraft which was sold Nov 26th
1946 - eds)

" ' "

. Star Alliance news -
SIA Introduces New SpaceBed
SINGAPORE AIRLINES (SIA) has introduced the revolutionary  SpaceBed
business-class seat to its Raffles cabin on one of three daily services between
Singapore and London Heathrow. The new seat, the biggest business class seat
currently available, measures 27in (69cm) wide by 6ft 6in (198cm) long.

" ' "

. Smilie.
Sent in by Art Kupchanko
Subject: Stumpy & Martha
Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the state fair every year. Every year Stumpy
would say, "Martha, I'd like to ride in that there airplane." And every year
Martha would say, "I know Stumpy, but that airplane ride costs ten dollars, and
ten dollars is ten dollars."
One year Stumpy and Martha went to the fair and Stumpy said, "Martha, I'm 71
years old. If I don't ride that airplane this year I may never get another
chance." Martha replied, "Stumpy, that there airplane ride costs ten dollars,
and ten dollars is ten dollars."
The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I'll make you a deal, I'll take you
both up for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say one
word, I won't charge you, but if you say one word it's ten dollars."
Stumpy and Martha agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of twists
and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word was heard. He did all his tricks
over again, but still not a word. They landed and the pilot turned to Stumpy,
"By golly, I did everything I could think of to get you to yell out, but you
Stumpy replied, "Well, I was gonna say something when Martha fell out, but ten
dollars is ten dollars."

" ' "
Important reminder, for all new articles, submissions and or comments
for the "The Netletter" please send to:
Our joint e-mail address is:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
please add to your Address Books.
This e-mail address has been set up so that both of us (exclusively)
will get an automatic copy and so we can keep up with the continuity of
news for the NetLetter.
Mailing of 'the NetLetter" is a service of the ACFamily Network

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