Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Vesta's Jump Seat
Vesta StevensonWhy not allow the NetLetter be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC etal. and share your experiences with us!

Girls WingsGirls With Wings is devoted to introducing young women to role models in aviation-related occupations and it's currently seeking scholarship applicants to show their motivation, inspirations and future plans in essay form. The scholarship winner must not yet have received her private pilot's license, must be female, and will be sent a check to be used toward flying lessons at the flight school of her choice. Last year's winner, then-20-year-old Amy Blechman, a student studying aviation management with a pro-pilot minor, wrote a winning essay of less than 800 words.

This year's winner will get a flight training boost of up to $1000 made up of donations matched (up to $150) by "K. Jones," according to the Girls With Wings Web site. The funds are made up of donations, and at the time of this writing the pool was $625. There are some requirements for the winner, who will be notified Dec. 1, 2009.

See the website at: www.girlswithwings.com
Air Canada - our first 70 years
TCA - Air Canada

- Flight Control staff stationed at Prestwick Scotland providing 24 hour coverage.
February Link training facilities of the R.A.F. Transport Command at Dorval taken over to provide periodic checks of B.O.A.C. personnel at Dorval.
March 18 - Prohibitions on the carriage of children over the Atlantic were lifted. Child under 2 years charged 10% of the adult fare. Children between 2 years and 12 years will be charged 50% of the adult fare, and a child must be accompanied by a passenger over 12 years.
July 1st - Inaugural flight Toronto - Chicago with DC-3 equipment. Aug 1st -  Inauguration of Toronto - Cleveland with DC-3 equipment
TCA/AC People Gallery
TCAOver the past months we have been publishing various photographs from earlier "Horizons", should any photos prompt a memory in seeing one of them, feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.

We continue to scan through some old editions of "Between Ourselves" donated by Norm Stoddart. We trust that you will find these articles interesting. (We realize these photos are more than 60 years old, but, we feel they may be of interest to anyone with long memories or with genealogy aspirations - eds)

Musings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine
Issue dated April 1946
With deadly smallpox menacing the Pacific Coast cities after several cases were reported in Seattle and San Francisco, with some fatalities, residents of Vancouver, Victoria rushed to get vaccinated. Due to heavy demand, the serum ran out on the first day, consequently, more serum was rushed to Vancouver via T.C.A.

serumHere we have this photo of Henry Roper TCA Cargo Handler handing chauffeur Herb Dick a package containing 17,000 units of serum.
(A prelude to the H1N1 epidemic expected in 2009 - eds) 

The first DC-3 service training class was held during March in Winnipeg at the Marlbrough Hotel.

trainingHere is the group. Left to right, standing: Joe Hymson, Charlie Gulland, Cliff Chappell, Gord Gould, Stewart Hay, George Land and Bill Danners. Kneeling: Les Storey, Frank Lehtinen, Murray Speedie, Leo Bourbonnais, Sam Purvis and Bob Hendry.

northbayHere we have this photo taken at North Bay Left to right: Mechanic Frank Hughes, Captain Dick Welsh and Mechanic Len Hughes.

Issue dated Midsummer 1946

dc-3July 1st was the inaugural service between Toronto - Chicago. DC-3 equipment was CF-TEG.

stewsHere we have this photo of the eight stewardesses assigned to the Chicago service. Left to right: Victoria Stewart, Margaret Crockett, Val Day, Rita Wiggins, Phyllis Harding (Supervisor), Lillian Houseman, Alberta Huck, Dorothy Rogers and Anita Germain.

The Stewardesses on the inaugural DC-3 flight Toronto - Cleveland were Phyliss Harding and Mary O'Neil. Commanded by Capt. Barney Ranson.

A new simplified and more efficient system of material classification for stores which calls for 34 separate classifications has been introduced.

T.C.A. has been chosen to provide radio communications for the aircraft of all nations flying the North Atlantic routes. The airlines include Pan Am, B.O.A.C., T.W.A., A.O.A, S.A.S., K.L.M,  and Air France. TCA personnel are at Moncton, Dorval and Goose Bay to provide this service.

One of the biggest jobs is the training of personnel for the new aircraft coming on line.

thirdtrainingHere we have some photos of the various classes in TCA's Air Line College -the Third DC-3 Service Training Class Left to right, standing: Fred Batchelor (Toronto), Henry Griffith (Winnipeg), Don Vye (Moncton), Bill Baggley (Winnipeg), Sid Willis (Edmonton), Phil Muncaster, Jack McDougall (Moncton) Bud Clinch (Vancouver), Harold Robinson (Winnipeg) and Bill Jacquot (Vancouver). Kneeling: Bart Stephens (Winnipeg), Mert Smith (Lethbridge), Ernie Antilla (Toronto), Stan Denning (Winnipeg), Harry Champness (Montreal), Cye Clissold (Toronto), Mel Bardsley (Toronto) and Bill Anders (Winnipeg).

fourthtrainingThe Fourth DC-3 Service Training Class Left to right, standing: Jack Dalgren (Moncton), Gordie Barber (Moncton), Jack Gow (Toronto), Jim Kenyon (Winnipeg), Bill Ross (Winnipeg), AIf Waite (Winnipeg), and George Myers (Toronto). Kneeling:Jack Hardman (Moncton), George Taylor (Vancouver), Pete Trempe (Montreal), Pat Damskov (Lethbridge), Bruce Armstrong (Toronto), and Walt Bailey (Toronto)

radioRadio Operators Class Left to right: Ron Matthews, Gord Freeman, Doug Allen (Instructor), Frank Schofield, Bob Williamson (Supervisor of Radio), Stewart Robinson, Cliff Jones, Malcolm McNaughton (Instructor), Fred Domries and Phil Pawsey.

trafficTraffic Class Left to right, standing; Guy Perodeau, Jim Browner, Ursula Markey, Alice Olsen, Bob Danaher, Roy Stringer, Jim Finlay, Laurie Manchee, Don Rowan, Hariette Elsom, Marji Barron and Frank Bowlby. Kneeling: Creighton Sargeant, Ted Barron, Al Godbold (Instructor), Martin Betts (Instructor), Alan Reid, Ed Waud and Roy Miller.
Star Alliance news.
Star Alliance United Airlines unveiled a second-bag fee for passengers on some international routes, following a trend set by US Airways and Continental Airlines.
Passengers flying trans-Atlantic routes will pay USD$50 for a second bag at the airport or USD$45 if purchased on the carrier's website. This applies on routes going from the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean to Europe and back. Travelers going from the United States to Mexico or the Caribbean will pay slightly less -- USD$30 at the airport and USD$27 online
This n That.

Qantas will operate three sightseeing flights over Antarctica during the southern summer with its new A380. It has partnered with Antarctica Sightseeing Flights of Melbourne since 1994 using 747-400s. The first A380 flight is scheduled for Dec. 31 from Melbourne, the second on Jan. 24 from Sydney and the third on Feb. 14 from MEL. Fares start from A$999 (US$859) for the 14-hr. flight, which includes two meals. The most frequently used route takes the aircraft over the icecap, the South Magnetic Pole, the French scientific base at Dumont d'Urville and finally the spectacular Trans-Antarctic Range.

Approval has been secured for 19 Antarctic flight routes, with final selection based upon weather and viewing opportunities. With effect from December, passengers traveling in Economy Class on all intercontinental flights operated by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines can choose seats offering greater comfort. The new Economy Comfort zone offers up to ten centimetres more legroom and back supports that can recline twice as far. What's more, Economy Comfort passengers can also disembark quicker after landing because their seating zone is located at the front of Economy Class.

Depending on the distances involved, the price of the new zone will amount to between €80 and €150 for a single leg of the journey.
The service in Economy Comfort will be the same as that in Economy Class.
Alan's Space
Alan Rust
Landing in Guadeloupe
Below is a video of a small twin engined passenger plane coming in for a difficult landing where the pilot overruns and crashes into the sea on landing landing.

I don't know what airport this is, the video says that it's in Guadeloupe.

Landing in Guadeloupe

Click on image for video
Canadi>n/CPAir/PWA, Wardair, etc. Events & People
Canadian AirwaysOver the past months we have been publishing various photographs from earlier in-house magazines, should any photos prompt a memory in seeing one of them, feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.

From the "Canadian Flyer" magazine
Issue dated September 2000

newlookThis photo shows some of the staff tasked with the job of making sure  over11,000 employees who will change into Air Canada uniforms - Left to right: Krista Laing, Beth Guingcangco, Lloyd Doyle and Loretto Almonta.

From the "Info Canadia>n" magazine
Issue dated December 1991
The Canadian Football League's Toronto Argonauts celebrated their 1991 Grey Cup victory with some Canadian employees in Winnipeg. The Manitoba capital hosted the Grey Cup in November and Canadian Airlines carried the two finalists, Toronto and the Calgary Stampeders.

greycupPosing, with the Grey Cup at the check-in counters was, from left, Owen Clarke, customer service agent, Ken Martens, quality performance manager, Peter Casement, district manager, Gerry Morier, quality performance manager, Georgia Davy, Myra Bazylo, and Sarah Hardy, customer service agents, Jan Knight, In-flight, and Janice Lee, customer service agent.

londonstaffThese three employees from London England represented Canadian during a three day World Travel Market. From the left: Maggie Hind, Barry Davia and Sandy Harris.

Issue dated November 1991

Volunteer employees in Toronto helped raise funds for charity flights for children with disabilities. Canadian operated hour long flights over Niagara to raise funds.

niagaraHere are three of the volunteer flight attendants from the left - Kim Aspin, Elizabeth Bertolast and Susan Reis.

Readers Feedback

Stan Hegstrom sends this update on the Viscount refurbishing project at Victoria BC CF-THG is now in the new Hangar at BCAM in Victoria, we moved it in on Monday 14th of Sept with the help of the staff of 433 Sqn of the CF as their Tow Tractor was needed, now we can go ahead and complete the interior this winter

Here are some photos of CF-THG in its new accommodations - Stan
and Jack Stevens sent us these photos of the event.


greatday-1Here's a photo of Al Catterall, David Peters and Bob Hallworth the original Viscount nut cases.

Here is the whole gang. and with the tug. Jack


Bob Messmer
sends us this information -Hi. Below is a link to a video clip featuring retired AC captain Dick Pulley and the Canadian Warplane Heritage Lancaster.

Thanks for your excellent news letter.
Bob Messmer


Jack Stevens sends us this memory prompted by an article in
The Summer Journal 09 edition by the Canadian Aviation Historical Society (C.A.H.S.) magazine. The article by Jerry Vernon, "Adventures in Procurement", retrieved a few memories.

I grew up near the Winnipeg Airport during the years of the Mustang and Vampire. Later, around 1959, as a shop mechanic with Trans-Canada Air Lines, I recall when the last Mustangs left Winnipeg. The shop which is the present Western Canada Aviation Museum, overlooked the field. We crowded the second story windows, to watch the end of an era. Across the field, a group of P-51 Mustangs from the 402 "City of Winnipeg" Aux. Squadron, were lined up preparing for  take-off. We were told they had been sold, and were heading for the States. In pairs, the aircraft took off, and assembled north of the airport. It was quite a sight to behold. Suddenly they appeared in formation, making a farewell low pass. The windows were open so we heard them loud and clear. We watched as they disappeared to the south, a scene probably never to be repeated, at least in Winnipeg.

One of my school buddies, lost his dad, when his Vampire crashed across the Assiniboine River in the community of Charleswood. It was a Sunday morning and Terry's dad was part of the 402 Aux. Squadron.

Sincerely, Jack Stephens 
(There is another article entitled "Air Canada and the Supersonics" by Clayton Glenn in this edition - eds)

Aubrey Winterbotham. shares this memory with us -
I've enjoyed reading the NetLetter since it began in the mid 90's. Seeing the pictures of #405 being dismantled conjured up memories of when I was a junior mechanic in 1959 and I worked on the Super Connie fleet out of hangar 4 at Dorval. In those days the planes were picked up at the gate and taxied to the hangar by the licensed mechanic or crew chief and after servicing they were taxied back to the gate. In this particular instance a group of us were ushered into a jeep and driven to the aircraft parked at the blast fence. The licensed mechanic Charlie Galas, two mechanics and a radio man
climbed on board the aircraft using the roof of the jeep and yours truly was told to follow the aircraft in the jeep to pick up the guys from the gate and bring them back to the hangar.

The only problem was that I had just been hired by the company and had been in Canada just a few weeks and didn't know how to drive a standard shift jeep. But without hesitation I put the jeep into what I hoped was reverse and gingerly let the clutch out, lo and behold the jeep started to back away from the aircraft just as the mighty #3 engine prop was turning over.

All the best and keep up the good work.
Aubrey Winterbotham.
In the "Between Ourselves" issued in the early '40's we see that photos of various captains sported 3 gold rings on their sleeves. but the issues after 1947 we notice the captains had added an additional ring making four - as today.
Anybody offer any reason for the change?
We assume additional crew members on board dictated this change.
Terry's Trivia & Travel Tips
Terry BakerCaesar Hotels Airway Vacations
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uniformsIn 1949 this was the suggested TCA uniform - Not really!!

In the June 1949 issue of "Between Ourselves" this photo appeared featuring Fred Pope, Hugh Burgoyne, Cargo Sales Reps and Watson Turner Regional Suvr, Cargo  Sales in celebration of the first anniversary of our Aircargo service.

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