Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Vesta's Jump Seat
Vesta StevensonWhy not allow the NetLetter be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC etal. and share your experiences with us!
Air Canada - our first 70 years
TCA - Air Canada

1947 - May 1st - Inaugural DC-3 service to Torbay, however, due to bad weather, the flight was held up until May 5th. Commanded by Capt's E.Jokinen and A.Wilson Stewardess was H.Gagnon.

June 7th - The 6th and final North Star Model M1 delivered.

July 1st - First scheduled flight to Medicine Hat by DC-3

medicineLeft to right in photo F/O J.R.Martin, Capt. C.R.Fogel, Steward Lancaster.

- Inaugural DC-3 service to the Lakehead cities of Port Arthur and Fort William. Crewed by Capts. Al Edwards and J.B.Higham, Stewardesses  Phyliss Harding and C.E.Paetsh.

- Inaugural service Winnipeg-Saskatoon-Edmonton with Capt. E.D.Sherman.

- Inaugural service to Swift Current crewed by Capt. D.Brady, F/O J.Grant, Stewardess P.Ghidoni and R.Wiggins.
Air Canada news

Jazz Air is eyeing a return to Toronto City Centre after having been forced out by an exclusivity agreement struck between the Toronto Port Authority and Porter Airlines.
Jazz  operated at the island airport for 18 years before being evicted. Until March 2006, Jazz operated five daily YTZ-Ottawa flights.
TCA/AC People Gallery
Over the past months we have been publishing various photographs from earlier "Horizons", should any photos prompt a memory in seeing one of them, feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.

Issue dated Mid-Summer 1947
Al Carlson of Winnipeg replaces Don McLeod who was editor of "Between Ourselves" for the past 4 years.

awardThis is the award received by the magazine from the 1947 International Council for House Organs for top honors.


In June, the lecture rooms at Winnipeg's Training school held a number of "students" quite different than any they had seen before.
The students were attending the first Steward training class conducted at this base. Now full-fledged airline Stewards, they are dispensing TCA's high standards of passenger service on the new prairie flights that stop at Swift Current and Medicine Hat and on the local service between Toronto and Kapuskasing.

stewardsThe photo shows the graduating class with their Instructress, Flo Perkins. Left to right: G. Thompson; A. C. McLean, A.. E. Mann, G. J. Sheppard, Stewardess Instructress F. A. Perkins, L. H. Latremouille; G. Lancaster, F. A. M. Anderson, W. H. Lane.

hotelOn a point of land a few miles from a lonely Hudson's Bay post on Lake Melville, Labrador, is probably the most unique hotel in the world. It's an airline hotel operated jointly by eight international air transport operators. The function of this unusual inn is to provide accommodation for trans-Atlantic air travelers passing through Goose Bay, the crossroads of many world air lanes. Managed by TCA, its upkeep is shared by all eight airlines.

On May 29th and 31st, two TCA charter flights were operated from LHR to Frankfurt for the purposes of collecting a party of displaced persons from camps in Germany to a new life for them in Canada.The flights were captained by L Rood, also onboard were F/O Holland and Navigating Officer Ron Peel.

edmontonSome of the Staff at Edmonton.
LAST ROW: A. R. Harris, Carl Peterson, Jack Hill, Earl Gerow, George Wispinski, Frank Hein, G. W. Thorns, George Gilbert, Sid Willis. THIRD ROW: Len Rachuk, Doug Stewart, Johnny Lees, Gerry McHale, Charlie Tilbrook, Fred Domreys, Sid Pierce, Ken T. Jones, Jack Burgess. SECOND ROW: Stan Stanton, Gus Carnahan, Jo Chomlak, Peggy Campbell, Doreen Blakely, Elaine MacLachian, Marian Slater, Ruth Krull, Mona Adamson, Cec Davidson, Jack Charles, Fred Kirkman, Bob Livingstone. FIRST ROW: I. M. Jackman, Harry Slater, Ada Bradley, Vera Herbert, Joyce Carlson, Janet Butcher, Vivian Kells, Ruby MacMurdo, Mary Cunningham, Hazel Fowler,Minnie Nochols, Eleanor Sveen, H. Schofield, George Bailey.

vancouverSome of the Vancouver ball players.
Front row: (L. to R.) Bob Millar, Eric Bracher, Bob Barrie, Howie McDermid, Jack Muir. Second row: (L. to R.) Ken Barker, Budd linch, Harvey Ackerman, Ken May, Bill Leskiw, Archie Kerr.
Back row: (L. to R. ) Jack Brown, Jeff Northcott, Lance Hudson.

trainingFourth Domestic North Star Service Training Group
STANDING(l to r) Walter Clark, Walter McDevitt, Joe Hymson, Bill Danners, Bill Anders, Gordon Gauld, Frank Burgess, Jack Gow, Bob Peterson, Derrick Bone. KNEELING (l to r) Bill Jacquol, Mel Bardsley, Murray Speedie, Alf DeMontigny, Stan Denning, Bill Hooton, Fred Batchelor, Sam Purves, Bert Fennessy, Gene Baudru.
This n That.

luggageHere we have this photo from "Between Ourselves" issued Midsummer 1952.
This lady, Pat Mullarkey (yes that's right! - eds), arrived on a tour of Eastern Canada with no less than 20 pieces of luggage, and a wide smile. Now, if she were traveling today, and assume Executive Class, her bill for the luggage would be ca$1,675.00.. If she decides to fly overseas an additional ca$2,000.00 would be added. No use her trying WestJet as they only accept 4 bags total, and two of them space available, and we know how dodgy that is!

Brian Dunn who issues the YYZNEWS sent in these two photos -

Tom Podolec took these shots from the CTV helicopter on 21 September.
(Check Brian's web site at www.yyznews.com - eds)

airfrance airfrance-1

British Airways
is introducing a charge for pre-selection of seats on Oct. 7, claiming that the new "service will give customers more control over their seating options." The fee is applicable only to those passengers wishing to secure their seats more than 24 hr. prior to departure. Within those 24 hr., selection will remain free. The new charge will come to £10 ($16.23) per person per sector in economy on BA's domestic and European network, £20 on long-haul economy or short business-class flights and £60 on long-haul business class. Exit row seats in long-haul economy cost £50 per segment and can be booked 4-10 days before takeoff.

BA also reportedly has found a way to save £2.7 million per year by cutting meal subsidies for staff. The airline "historically" has spent more than £6.5 million per year on feeding employees. This is no longer financially feasible, cost savings will be delivered through simplifying the food range, reducing opening times where facilities are
underutilized and implementing modest and proportionate price increases beginning next week.

Gander A380 Approved (YQX) ---Gander International Airport has received a stamp of approval to be a diversion destination for one of the biggest planes in the world. The airport is ready to go when the A380 needs to make a stopover. Some 35 international aircraft have diverted to Gander since early June because of medical treatment, unruly passengers and security threats.(Source: www.yyznews.com
Alan's Space
Alan Rust
As its market shares were eroding on the soft drinks market, the US company Pepsi Cola undertook a major re-branding project of $500 million US which would be unveiled in 1996 after about two years of work. Pepsi therefore started to look around for a spectacular and efficient manner to advertise its new brand style and enhance its sales. It was eventually decided to have an advertisement operation involving the Concorde.

Pepsi started requesting proposals from both Air France (AF) and British Airways (BA), the sole two Sud Aviation/BAC Concorde operators. Eventually, the French carrier was awarded the contract (of which terms were not disclosed).

See photo below for final product...

Follow this link for the full story

Trivia Alert! - Do you know what Pepsi's slogan was in 1996?, 1963?, 1950?, 1939???  Click here for the answers...

Pepsi Concorde

Click on image for story & more photos
Canadi>n/CPAir/PWA, Wardair, etc. Events & People
Canadian AirwaysOver the past months we have been publishing various photographs from earlier in-house magazines, should any photos prompt a memory in seeing one of them, feel free to send us your comments and thoughts.

Perusing "Info Canadi>n" magazines

Issue dated September 26th 1990
Canadian announces its withdrawal of service from Amsterdam effective November 17th. A total of 26 employees were effected.

Issue October 17th 1990
Beginning November 1st, Canadian will offer daily service to Paris from Toronto.

Issue October 31st 1990
Beginning November 2nd, Canadian will service Mexico and on to Lima from Toronto, offering the only scheduled carrier to offer wide-bodied equipment with DC-10. CPA previously served Mexico City from 1953 to 1981.

mexicoHere we have this photo of the Mexico City staff. Laxarena Aceves, Carolina Cinta, Carlos Aceves, Amor Iribearren and Lily Gutierrez.

Nancy Gunson
has sent us this information and photo -
C.P.Air Reunion - April 2009
Hope all is going well for you. About a year ago, I wrote to you with a letter that you published from me regarding three classmates that I couldn't find. The good news is that Bernie Brennan contacted me and even attended our reunion. The not-so-good news is that I didn't get any leads onto the whereabouts of my three missing colleagues. As promised, I have written a short article on the Reunion which was held in Vancouver, where we all met and started off training forty years ago. I'll forward you the document followed by the 'up-dated' - class photo.

reunionWe were 8 out of 14 who attended.  
Back row standing left to right: Francine Rogerson Gendreau, Gerry Kroon, Sue Thornton Keenan, Jeannette Lowys  Panchuk, Bernie Brennan, Nancy Holloway Gunson, and Patricia Fitzpatrick Doherty Seated front row: Linda Fellingham and Lou Leblanc

The Reunion was fantastic and we all vowed we would meet again in a couple of years. Thank you folks for doing such a wonderful job of keeping airline crew in touch. Without your publication, I wouldn't have seen Bernie.   
Best regards,  Nancy Holloway Gunson
Lac Brome, QC

Readers Feedback

George Brien sends us this information -
I just 'happened' to have gathered some info on this subject a while back so couldn't resist in adding to it. !!
Re item from NL 1087

Which read -Quote
"T.C.A. has been chosen to provide radio communications for the aircraft of all nations flying the North Atlantic routes. The airlines include Pan Am, B.O.A.C., T.W.A., A.O.A, S.A.S., K.L.M, and Air France. TCA personnel are at Moncton, Dorval and Goose Bay to provide this service"

Here is some additional information and some personal experience 
I had working this radio circuit "years ago"!!

From the -Saint John Telegraph Journal - 1951
Their proximity to the North Atlantic air route pattern has made the Maritimes the hub of the vast communications network which serves the flights of all international air carriers in the area.
ARCAN (Aeronautical radio , Canada) operated by TCA on behalf of the Canadian Government, provides air to ground and point to point manual C.W. communications facilities for oceanic air traffic control who " police" all air traffic on the North Atlantic to and from eastern CanadaComplementary to ARCAN is the NARTEL ( North Atlantic Radio Telephone) communications system installed in 1948 to provide air ground radio communications in the North Atlantic region. Coordinating this venture were four major airlines- TCA, PAA, AOA (American Overseas Airways) and TWA. Canadian stations are at Moncton Gander and Goose Bay. My friend , retired Dispatcher John Stewart, tells me he joined TCA as a Radio Operator in the mid 40's and after finishing initial training at YWG was assigned to Goose Bay to work the ARCAN/NARTEL circuit likely around 1946 and later moved to YQM. He believes that this Radio Network was turned over to the Dept of Transport (Aviation Branch) around 1951, and he transferred back to YYZ Radio.
In the fall of 1952, at the age of 18 and fresh out of Radio School, my twin brother Gord and I were hired by DOT in YUL as Radio Operators working both out of the Domestic Terminal and later over at the international terminal where the North Atlantic.
Radio Circuits was operated from the second story of the old International Terminal. I don't recall working TCA flights across the Atlantic and believe that T.C.A. used their own operators at this time.

consoleThe radio Operators console would look similar to this mock-up that is shown in this photo from the BC AV Museum.

Jim (JP) Thomas
has sent us this memory -
In the spring or early summer of 1950 I was an aircadet greatly interested in all things associated with airplanes. Aircraft recognition was a subject  taught to us young aircadets and I was probably very good at it. I also worked as a partime caddy at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club carrying heavy clubs on my shoulder (in the days before
golf carts or even drag along dollies) and try to keep my eyes on the ball. This became very difficult one day when overhead at not more than one thousand feet came a formation of aircraft composed of the Avro Canada Jetliner flanked by a Vampire and the jet black Avro Canada CF100 prototype. I was probably chastised for not paying attention to the golf game but right then and there I knew what I wanted to do in life and it had nothing to do with golf. Later that year while at Air Cadet camp at RCAF Station Aylmer On. I was fascinated by an aircraft that I did not recognize; it had swept wings and the two wing mounted engines were missing from the nacelles. It was a Messerschmidt 262 with markings blanked out. I have often wondered what became of that aircraft. I later trained as a pilot with the RCAF and returned to Hamilton to fly for 424 City of Hamilton Auxiliary Squadron (Harvards, T-33's and Mustangs) and was hired by
TCA in 1956.

l retired in 1993 as a 747 Captain and have never returned to a golf course.
JIm (JP) Thomas
Terry's Trivia & Travel Tips
Terry Baker

The Family Affair program which offers the benefits of confirmed travel at a reduced rate for eligible family members has been extended until January 2011, with all travel to be completed by January 10, 2011.
Details on: the ETS (Employee Travel Site.

contravelTraveling on a pass! from "Between Ourselves" issued Mid-Summer 1947, author unknown.

Here is the fifth segment of a tour of north and southern Ireland as
a package tour with Trafalgar coach lines

May 2nd thru May 13th., 2009

Sunday May 10th.
Today, we wake up to another sunny day, with temperature of 13c - not tropical, but better than we have had at the first few days of our tour. Today we start our Ring of Kerry excursion and view the granite mountains, Dingle Bay and Ladies View.
We went off to visit Muckross House and gardens. We had a conducted tour of the house, and part of the story was that the owner spent a large amount of money when they learned that Queen Victoria had accepted an invite to stay at the house. With an eye to a English title, no expense was avoided, but, alas, the Queen's
consort, Albert, passed away just after the Queen's return, and she went into mourning, and the presentation of titles was further from her mind and the owner of Muckross House went bankrupt.
The optional trip was to have been a traditional Irish farm, but this was cancelled.

Monday May 11th.
The day was sunshine again.
After lunch, we went to visit Blarney Castle. Several of our party climbed up the stairs to kiss the stone, as the kiss is  administered in the prone position, we could envisage our false teeth, hairpiece, glasses and hearing aids would disappear into the depths of the tower, so we wandered around the gardens until it was time to return to the coach, and on our way to Waterford where we will stay at the Dooley's hotel.
We called in at the Blarney Woolen Mills next to Blarney Castle for a visit and lunch. Coffee euro1.95, tea euro1.75 and cookie euro2.50 total euro6.20 (ca$9.92)
We stopped at the visitors centre of the Waterford Crystal factory. Sadly, the factory went into receivership last December, and we learn that the Waterford name had been sold. We did not find out who had bought the name, but watch out for Waterford Crystal in the future. The former employees are fighting for their pension, and must be quite devastated with loosing their job and their pension.
In the evening, we visited a typical Irish pub, and were entertained by a trio with Irish songs.

Tuesday May 12th.
Our last full day, and the weather is still kind to us, with sunshine. We had a walking tour of the old historical part of  Waterford in the morning, then off to visit.
The National Stud farm which was very interesting, the guys were excited at the possibility of visiting a stud farm, but disappointed when they realized it was a stud farm for horses! We had no time to wander the Japanese gardens before we had to return to our coach and head back to Dublin for our last nights accommodation.
Lunch was at the Kilkenny Design Restaurant chicken Ciabatta at euro9.95, tea brac euro3.25 and tea euro2.60 for a pot. (total ca$24.75) Prior to our arrival at the hotel, we had our Farewell dinner in a pub in Dublin, and then on to our final hotel the Maldron Hotel. Some of the group retired to the bar for a final fling with their new found friends.
(Final chapter next time - eds)

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