Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Here is the conclusion of the information on Percy B. Waddy sent by Phil Pawsey started in NetLetter nr 1323 -

After the war Percy flew with TCA (Air Canada) until Jean's father convinced him that he should give up "this silly flying business" and that he and Jean should take over the family farm. Percy and Jean in following that advice made a great success of it along with raising a family.

As a member of MAARC, Inc., Percy was very supportive of all the Club's endeavors. At the turn of the century, he proposed that the Club should honor its senior members who had made major contributions to Amateur Radio during the 20th Century. At a special dinner, plaques were presented to twelve long time members of the Club and Percy was delighted that his suggestion found favour and had been adopted.

When Club member Alan MacLeod, VE2FUX, flew into Moncton with the Air Canada L10A vintage aircraft, he was very pleased to have Percy come on board for a local flight. Inviting Percy to the flight deck, he handed the controls to Percy. Percy talked about that experience for a long time after. Undoubtedly, it brought back many memories of his flying days with TCA (Air Canada).

Percy's time with us was all too brief. In the very few years that went by too quickly, he made many friends and contributed much to the Club. The Club was very fortunate to have had Percy as a member. All of us who knew him enjoyed his companionship and enthusiasm as a fellow Radio Amateur.

Betty Draper has sent this article she located in the “Times Sentinal” issue May 1st 1944.

Airline pilots' union formed.
Edmonton May 1st - Formation of The Canadian Air Lines Pilots' Association, (CALPA) a union of airlines and bush pilots, was announced officially over the week-end by Capt. Charles R. Robinson of Edmonton, Canadian Pacific Airlines pilot. President of the association is Capt. R.E.Hadfield of Winnipeg, Trans-Canada Air Lines pilot. Other officials are: First Vice-President, Capt. Robinson; secretary, Capt. R.J.Baker, T.C.A. pilot. Capt. Robinson said the CALPA is affiliated with the Air Lines' Pilots' association of the United States and the British Air Lines Pilots' association.

The association, he said, now is in the preliminary stages of negotiating the first major working agreement with a "large Canadian airline company".

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