Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Terry BakerGo to www.waca.org/links for a long list of contacts for your travel needs.

In NetLetter nr 1336, under this column,  we had information regarding City Leisure and some of our readers had a problem with the url we supplied.

 Here are new urls -


1. London - www.londonpass.com
2. Paris - www.parispass.com
3. Berlin - www.berlinpass.com
4. Dublin - www.dublinpass.com
5. Rome - www.romeandvaticanpass.com
6. Vienna - www.viennapass.com
7. Las Vegas - www.lasvegaspass.com
8. New Orleans - www.neworleanspass.com

Should your flight be delayed by more than 3 hours, or 4 hours for a long-haul flight, confirmed passengers may be eligible for a "welfare package" from your airline.
If your airline does not give you a "welfare package" you can claim back any meals, transport and hotel costs from the airline, just keep your receipts.
Certain restrictions apply, but if you are delayed, you can ask the airline. If your flight is cancelled or arrives more than 3 hours late, you may be able to claim compensation on top.

Click here to view & download Air Canada's policy on compensation.

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