Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Located in the "Contact" magazine issued October 1997

How to make an old rattletrap look like $300,000.

tmb cpa rattletrapThe first de-icing truck to be "re-manufactured" was being delivered much to an elated Randy Abel (left) system aircraft de-icing specialist who is ready to accept delivery at Vancouver. Some of the GSE mechanics on the project:

From the left: David Oppenlander, Gyanendra Narayan, Robin Wiltshire, Doug Martin (GSE supervisor), Dave Blackwell and Tony Kirsten.

The Canadi>n Check Planners at Vancouver Line 1 are:

tmb cpa bay 1 plannersFrom the left: Aircraft Maintenance Planners Bill Gellert, Dave Bastien; Records Controller, Terry Dukes and Peter Krug, Aircraft Maintenance Planner.

Here we have the bosses of the planner group.

tmb cpa planners bossesFrom the left: Ed Kriese, Aircraft Maintenance Planner; John Pistilli,  Supervisor Resource/Production; Indy Jaswal, Supervisor, Planning and Support and, standing is George Clifton, Manager, Planning and Support.

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