Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

1941 - February 14th -

tmb cf tcv posteroptTrans-Canada Air Lines announced completion of an order for six Lockheed Lodestar passenger planes.

The first three, CF-TCT, TCU and TCV were delivered January 7th, 1941, the last three, CF-TCW, TCX and TCY were delivered February 13th, 1941.

Betty Draper has sent us this article from the Regina Leader-Post dated July, 1938.

tmb uniforms 1943Trim new uniforms of navy blue with gold braid stripes and the company insignia are now being worn by pilots of *Trans-Canada Air Force Lines transport planes that land daily at Regina. The uniforms came into use July 1st .

Tunics are single-breasted, of lounge cut to the waist, with gold stripes on the left cuff, two stripes for the first pilot and one for his assistant. On the left breast is worn a gilt badge, the TCA insignia between outspread wings.

The summer uniform calls for a white pique over the navy blue cap, with black shoes, black tie, white shirt and brown gloves completing the uniform. If a raincoat is worn, it must be of navy blue gabardine or cravenette and of Royal navy design. The heavier coat, double breasted, is also blue of naval design.

New uniforms for the ground staff have not yet arrived in Regina. They will consist of white coveralls for the field staff, with the TCA insignia on the back, and white shirts, slacks and white cap. 

(We located this photo from “Between Ourselves” May 1943 of uniforms, Left: Captain Jack Wright, First Officer Vic Wills, Stewardess Jean Beattie and Passenger Agent-in-charge Alan Frome. – eds)

(*Trans-Canada Air Force Lines as it was spelled in the article – eds)

Extracted from the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated September, 1967

Courtesy and publicity flights were held in Regina and Saskatoon to introduce the DC-9 to those cities prior to service beginning September 1st., 1967, with four flights held in each city. Company personnel taking part in Regina are shown.

tmb regina dc 9 flightsIn this photo, from the left: Eddie Mann, Regional Supervisor of Commissary Services, Vancouver: Stewardesses A. Stermac, and J. Loest, Winnipeg; Charles Tilbrook, Station Operations Manager, Regina; Captain Bill Storey, P. MacCourt, Flight Service Supervisor and F/O C. Penderson, all of Winnipeg; Jack MacLean, District Sales Manager, Regina; and Stewardess C. Cleven, Winnipeg.

In this photo of the Saskatoon personnel taking part are:

tmb saskatoon dc 9 flightsFrom the left: Glen Steeves, Sales Representative, Saskatoon; Stewardess J. LoestRon Vigars, Station Services Instructor, Montreal; C. Cleven, Winnipeg; Eddie Mann; Miss P. MacCourt; Vern Bower, Station Operations Manager, Saskatoon; Stewardess A. Stermac, Captain Jeff Scott and F/O P. Relton, Montreal; S. Parr, Sales Office Assistant and J. McHale, Office Manager, Saskatoon.

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