Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Betty Morgan has found these photos with the following comment -

tmb windsor staff mid sixtiesThis was the staff in Windsor, Ontario where we were from '66 to '69. I used to know all their names. I remember Harry Fase and a couple of the others, but would love to have them all identified.

We loved it there and Jack was in his glory, with all of Detroit for him to sell. My memory is not so good for names any more but maybe these are useful for someone.

tmb advanced management course BanffHere we have the group on the Advanced Management Course Banff (sometime in the 50's?)

tmb jack morganand this photo has, left to right; Claude Taylor, Jack Morgan and Pierre Jeanniot at Air Canada's 50th anniversary - Montreal. 

Betty Morgan

Paul Goodman has sent us this undated photo of Air Canada flight #777 flight attendants.

tmb mimi cadieuxFrom the left: Mimi Cadieux, Jannett Pechman and Franca Peusasto. I think this photo is between 15 to 20 years old.

Thank you,
Paul Goodman

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