Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Resurrecting Halifax aircraft from its watery grave.

A group of dedicated volunteers work at the Bomber Command Museum of Canada located in the town of Nanton, Alberta. Their main claim to fame is the restoration of an original Lancaster bomber which was dragged from a farmer’s field several decades ago.

Their latest venture is led by retired Air Canada pilot Karl Kjarsgaard. The volunteers have located the wreckage of a Halifax bomber on the ocean floor off the coast of Sweden. This particular aircraft, HR871 of the RCAF 405 squadron went down during a terrible storm after being struck by lightning on August 2nd, 1943 on its way home from a raid on Germany.

Click Here for the full story.

Last Vulcan out of hibernation.

Great news for fans of Vulcan XH558. The campaign to build a permanent home for the last surviving airworthy Avro bomber - which retired from the air show circuit in October 2015- has raised the £200.000 ($250,000) needed to return the restored aircraft from a hibernation imposed when "Vulcan to the Sky Trust" was prevented from displaying XH558 to the public.

Now the trust can press ahead with plans to show the delta-wing aircraft in a new museum at Doncaster Sheffield airport, as well as take her on (albeit non-flying) visits throughout the country.

(Source Flight International)

Halifax-based Chorus Aviation, the parent company of Canadian regional airline Jazz Aviation, posted 2016 net profits of C$111.8 million ($83 million), more than quadrupling its C$25.5 million net result for 2015.

(source ATW Daily Fe 27/17)

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