Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Jim Griffith sent us this url – Click Here to view (and hear) a seasoned barbershop quartet lightening the mood during a maintenance delay.

Betty Morgan shares this memory with us -

When Jack was VP south, we had a great trip to South America (Colombia) and were wined and dined at Bogota, Cartagena, Baranquilla, etc. along the coast and even saw a yacht from Vancouver with the Canadian flag when we were on a boat cruise. We called to them and had a chat!

That was in 1970 when Peter Moreira (?) and his wife Mary were there hosting. Peter had a flat tire on his way to pick us up for dinner and was in a sweat when he got to us. What a lovely couple. We had a wonderful time with them. They forced me to take the funicular up the side of a mountain where the cows grazed on their knees and braced themselves with their hind legs while they ate.

One false move and they would tumble down the mountain.

I do hope that Cartagena is more ready for tourists than it was in 1970! Weather was good, though. The food was not very good.
The gold museum was remarkable and the shops of brass and fabric were memorable. A direct flight will be interesting. I hope to hear some reports of results.

Betty Morgan

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