Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

tmb bourkeIn 1942 Margaret Bourke-White became the first female photographer accredited to cover World War II combat zones.

Her Biography is at Wikipedia.

Big Win

Aeroflot FAHave two Aeroflot female cabin crew won a victory against sizeism?  The pair were moved to ground duties after being told by the Russian airline they contravened a rule that uniforms could not be larger than UK size 16. However, they successfully sued their employer for discrimination.

Aeroflot, which stipulates that applicants for cabin crew detail their height, weight and clothing size, argued that larger attendants could not cope so well with emergencies, and that extra kilograms of body weight raised its fuel biaeroflot fas200x114ll. On that basis, presumably the airline should base its fare structure on how heavy its passengers are.

(Source: Fight International September 10, 2017)
Story at CTV News

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