Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

We have this update from Hugh MacCallum regarding the “Shady Lady” article which appeared in NetLetter # 1382.
pdf download50x47Shady Lady Update

Roger S was prompted by the article on the ACE Fly-In in NetLetter # 1381 under "TCA/AC People Gallery" to send these two photos and information -.

Looks like this Air Canada balloon was used at one time by Air Canada Cargo. The balloon is shown trying to get airborne, somewhere in southern Ontario at an ACE Fly-In.

tmb ac cargo balloon tmb ac cargo balloon 1

In NetLetter # 1385, Norm Hogwood wanted to know what the difference was between a Catalina and a Canso. It is wheels or no wheels (grin).
Note: Sadly, Norman Hogwood passed away shortly after he had sent the information published in NetLetter # 1385.

Malcolm McRae sends us this information -
The Consolidated PBY1 Catalina was an American flying boat of the 1930's and 1940's produced by Consolidated Aircraft. It was one of the most widely used multi-role aircraft of World War II. PBYs served with every branch of the U.S. military and in the air forces and navies of many other nations.

Consolidated’s first PBY flying-boat prototype made its maiden flight in 1933. Overall, there were 3431 PBYs built, of which 2029 were flying boats (PBY-5 Catalina) and 1402 were amphibians (PBY-5A Canso). More Consolidated PBYs were manufactured than any other type of flying boat or amphibian.


Ken Pickford also provided some feedback regarding this subject.
"Canso" was the name used by the RCAF in Canada. It had nothing to do with the landing gear. The "Catalina" name was used in the US (and elsewhere other than Canada) for both the early PBY-5 (flying boat) and later PBY-5A (amphibian) models. Roughly 800 of both models were built under license in Canada, and those that went to the US and other customers outside Canada were all known as "Catalina,". That name actually originated with the RAF. I believe it's correct that those built for the RCAF were all amphibians (and known as Cansos by the RCAF).

- www.navalaviationmuseum.org/attractions/aircraft-exhibits/item/?item=pby_catalina

- www.navalaviationmuseum.org/attractions/aircraft-exhibits/item/?item=pby-5a_catalina

- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consolidated_PBY_Catalina

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