Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Employees of Qantas grew concerned when a box shipped from Melbourne arrived without the black cat that was supposed to be inside. So they made a quick visit to the local pound where they found a substitute.

But, upon opening the cage, the owner declared that the cat was not hers ... her cat was dead when loaded and had been en route to Queensland for burial.

(Source: "Parts & Pieces" magazine issue January 1998)

Flush mob.

Chris Barnes recalls what happened when vacuum toilets were introduced, on Boeing-767's, nearly 40 years ago.

"Some flight attendants demonstrated the strength of the lavatory suction during taxi out by rolling toilet paper down the aisle and terminating it into the toilet bowl," he writes.

Then they announced: 'Watch the paper disappear” as they activated the flush button with the paper vanishing in the blink of an eye."

(Source: Flight International January 1, 2019)

(Note: The airline was not identified! – eds)

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