Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Gretchen Dawson sent in condolences for Alan

Jim and I have been very saddened to learn of Alan Rust's passing. It came as quite a shock to read. The Canadian Maple Wings Association members who receive the NetLetter are also included in these words of Condolence.

I'm so glad we got to sit with you, "The Team" at the Pionairs' 40th AGM held in Richmond, B.C. - celebrating their 40th. Anniversary! It gave us a chance to get better acquainted with you, Alan and Wayne.

Alan was so dedicated to the NetLetter and The Team (yourself Terry, Wayne Albertson and Ken Pickford). I'm sure he'll be sorely missed by all of you and his readers.

Our Sincere Sympathy to his family and friends. R.I.P. Alan.

In addition, Gretchen refers to "Now that's service" article in the NetLetter #1412 -

Here are a group of the Toronto based flight attendants I flew with through the '60's, with both Pat McAllister and Marion Clark off my course - April 1960. The others were off courses just ahead of us!

Helen (Nelder) McEwan was my neighbour, and long-time friend, living in Guelph, still flying, who helped me get flyers out about the planning of a TCA Alumni Reunion in 1980, out to all the base's crew rooms, back in 1977/78!

The May 1980 Reunion resulted in the full creation of Canadian Maple Wings Association, federally incorporated as a not-for-profit Association, with over One Thousand Members around the world, with Chapters across Canada gathering and forming!

Here's to Canadian Maple Wings Association's 39th Anniversary this May 2019!! With many of these gals still members supporting this Association all these years! Most of them in the "Silver Wings" Chapter!!

Best Regards,
Gretchen (Aird) Dawson


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