Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Some historical events as published in the FlightGlobal.com archives

C.P.A. Pacific Route.

Air services are to be started across the Pacific Ocean from Canada to Asia and Australia by Canadian Pacific Air Lines, a subsidiary of the Canadian Pacific Railways.

Two routes will be operated, one from Vancouver to Sydney through Honolulu, Canton Island and Fiji with a connecting service from Fiji to New Zealand; and the other route from Vancouver to Hong Kong through the Aleutian Islands, Kodiak and Shemya, Tokyo and Shanghai. The services will be operated with four Canadair Four aircraft as soon as the equipment is ready.

On September 19, 1949 Canadian Pacific Air Lines started a weekly direct service with Canadairs between Canada and the Far East. The route was from Vancouver over the Aleutian Islands to Tokyo and Hong Kong.

Canadian Pacific Air Lines inaugurated a 28-seater Dakota (DC-3) service from Montreal to the North-Western Quebec mining communities at Val d'Or and Rouyn-Noranda.

The aircraft in use was said to be the first airliner to be fitted with cross-wind landing gear. Previously a Canso amphibian was used, but the construction of 3,500 ft runways at the two airfields has made the new Dakota (DC-3) service possible.

While likely "on course' at CP&W in May 1930, Doug Burt organized this photo of Canadian Transcontinental Airways Fairchild 71 CF-ACY at nearby St. Hubert airport.

"ACY" was one of the latest in air transports plying the Quebec and Ontario airways then being established. It later served Canadian Airways and Quebec Airways, then 'faded away' sometime during 1939.

Ken Molson's book "Pioneering in Canadian Air Transport" is the best source for the history of this era. You would love this wonderful book. I see today that several copies are available cheaply at AbeBooks.com

(Source: via Larry Milberry/CANAV Books)

tmb 550 cf acy

This D.H 84 Dragon CF-AVD at Trail, BC, on July 17, 1935 with (from the left) Ben Harrop, Hamilton Currie and Page McPhee. Records show that "AVD" at this time was a Canadian Airways plane, but it could have been on lease to Cominco. It was wrecked at Baie Comeau on the St Lawrence River in May 1944.

I wonder if there's a history of all the work done by the early Cominco fleet?

There are many good references in such other books at Rex Terpening's classic "Bent Props and Blow Pots" — another book that you should have. 

(Source: via Larry Milberry/CANAV Books)
tmb cf avd

Cominco purchased D.H. 89 Rapide CF-BBH from DHC in January 1938. It was sold to Canadian Airways in May 1939.

Later with CPA, it gave good service in Quebec. "BBH" crashed on takeoff at Pentecost on the Quebec North Shore on March 19, 1947.

(Source: via Larry Milberry/CANAV Books)

tmb 550 cf bbh