Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Subject: Netletter nr 27 - Between Ourselves A FLASHBACK IN AVIATION HISTORY: * * * This message was from TREVOR DAILEY in an Aviation Forum * * * * * * and has been forwarded to you by VESTA STEVENSON * * * ----------------------------------------------- AVRO AIRCRAFT CANADA - FEBRUARY 20, 1959, 11:20 AM "The radio has recently announced that the Prime Minister stated in the House of Commons this morning that the Avro Arrow and Iroquios programs have been terminated. We, the Management of the Company, had NO official information prior to this announcement being made. The Cancellation of the Arrow and the Iroquios has, however, been confirmed as a fact by Mr. Hore, the representative here of the Department of Defence Production. It is impossible at this stage to give you any further details until such time as I receive the official announcement from Ottawa. In the meantime, I would ask that you continue with your work. Later on in the day you will be informed as to our future." AVRO AIRCRAFT CANADA - FEBRUARY 20, 1959, 11:22 PM "Take notice that your contracts bearing reference numbers set out below including all amendments thereto are hereby terminated as regards to all supplies and services which have not been completed and shipped or performed thereunder prior to the receipt by you of this notice. You shall cease all work immediately, terminate subcontracts or orders and instruct all your subcontractors to take similar action. You are requested to submit to the Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Ontario, for consideration any claim that you may have as a result of this termination. Such claim and those of your subcontractors and suppliers, if any, are to be submitted on the prescribed developmental termination claim forms. On receipt of this notice, you should make application in writing to the Chief Settlement Officer, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, for the requisite set of forms. Ends D.L. Thompson, Dept. of Defence Production" AVRO AIRCRAFT CANADA - FEBRUARY 22, 1959 "To All Employees: Following the Prime Minister's statement we have received wires from the Government, instructing us to immediately cease all work on the Arrow and Iroquois programs at Malton and by all suppliers and subcontractors. As a result, notice of termination of employment is being given to all employees of Avro Aircraft and Orenda Engines, pending full assessment of the impact of the Prime Minister's statement on our aeronautical operations. We profoundly regret this action but we have no alternative since the company was given no prior notice of the decision and therefore we are unable to plan any orderly adjustment. The whole situation is and will be under constant review and when the full impact is determined a formal statement will be made by myself as soon as possible. All monthly, weekly and hourly-paid employees are hereby given notice of lay-offs as of this date and under the terms of the applicable collective agreements. Tools must be returned to the Tool Cribs for clearance before final separation pay is made up. As all work on these projects is terminated, there will be no work for you to preform after this date. You may recover your tool boxes and your personal belongings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 23, 24 and 25, during the regular day-shift working hours. Your separation pay, separation notice, vacation pay books etc., will be mailed to you as soon as possible. Some employees will be required to perform termination functions an to maintain essential services. These employees will be notified by their supervisors and will report to work accordingly. In the meantime, the company will assess the work available and the employees required. Those employees will be recalled or retained under seniority provisions of the collective agreements. (signed) J.L Plant for President and General Manager" Suggested reading: Storms of Controversy: The Secret Avro Arrow Files Revealed, by Palmiro Campagna. There Never Was An Arrow, by E. K. Shaw. Arrow, by The Arrowheads -=o0o=- . If you have enjoyed reading this sort of article and want more of the same??? And if they have some stories of their own, please submit them. -=o0o=- . Reminder - watch those carry-ons for size! . That's it for this time, please we need your input, comments and email addresses of any others who may be interested. -!- Landing on an Island in the Pacific. _____(~)_____ ! ! ! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <<<>>> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ...................................................................... . GREETINGS FROM No . . Vancouver Island Vacancies . . BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA . ......................................................................