Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

After reading NetLetter #1458, Grace von Moltyn shares her thoughts -

I truly enjoy reading all the information that comes in from each NetLetter.

On this one, it was interesting to read about Norm Foster & all his fascinating details of his time with Air Canada. Each of us has a story to tell.

Thanks for keeping all us retirees up to date of what has happened and is happening still.

Grace von Moltyn

Graeme Shelford shares this memory with us -

The cartoon with the caption “I found it” in Netletter  #1459 reminded me of my experience flying Air Canada to Barbados in 1967.

My parents were living in Grenada and I flew down on a Montreal-Barbados excursion fare to visit them. While there, I got a telegram from my boss asking me to check up on a project in Florida on my return.

Back in Barbados, I approached the Air Canada office to get my ticket changed to include a stopover in Miami. After a long time consulting numerous books the size of a telephone directory and making a few phone calls, the passenger agent finally told me it would be cheaper to fly back to Montreal and book a flight to Miami from there.

Dejected, I turned to leave and just as I was about to step out, she called out, “Wait a moment, I’ve had another idea.” Returning to the counter, I stood by while she dived back into the various books. After leafing back and forth between fare schedules, she triumphantly announced, “I’ve found it! If you upgrade your excursion to first class for the return, Miami is then on your allowable route.” The cost of the upgrade was only a fraction of the cost of a Montreal-Miami ticket.

Delighted, I checked in for the Barbados-Miami flight on Eastern, only to find that first class was full, and I was bumped down to economy! But the final insult was back in the office in Montreal, when the office manager told me, despite my explanation of why I was claiming the upgrade, he was disallowing it as it was against company policy to fly first class.

Fortunately, my boss stepped in and overrode him.

Graeme Shelford

We received several responses to Bob Austin's request for information in NetLetter #1459

Seems that the pin/pendant brings back some pleasant memories -

From Paul Dhillon -

This was the 'six month pin' given to employees coming off 6 months probation and becoming permanent AC employees. The majority were made in the style of jacket lapel pins (without the ring hoop). However, the style shown was an option for the female staff as it could be used as a necklace pendant.

Here is a picture of ladies necklace pendant and men’s pin with tie tack or jacket lapel attachment options.


Paul Dhillon
GM-STOC Operations (Retired), YVR

tmb 550 pendants

From Gord Simons -

Please let Bob Austin know that the pendant was given to new female employees at induction time. A similar one was given to the male employees. The pendant is from the 1970’s.

Gord Simons

From Percy Cooley -

Bob Austin from Ottawa was looking for information on an Air Canada pendant that he sent a photograph of.

I have a lapel pin that is identical to the centre of his pendant that was given to me by my Supervisor on November 28, 1973 to commemorate the successful completion of my six month probationary period and to welcome me as a permanent member of the AC employee family. Not a pendant but the same design.

Hope this helps…..I continue to enjoy reading The NetLetter…keep up the good work.

Percy Cooley, Retired, Air Canada

From Linda Reverchon -

I have the identical item which got put on a charm bracelet. I received it, if memory serves, to mark my first five years with Air Canada. I was in the Reservations office in Vancouver on West Hastings Street.

I had been hired as a temporary reservations agent in October of 1972 in Miami, where I and my new husband were living, however my first few weeks were spent as the weekend Telex operator.

In the winter of 1973 I applied for Toronto Reservations on Bloor Street and arrived there in the midst of the CP Air strike in June of that year. My supervisor Ed Farrow and I started on the same day. What a panic!

I applied for Vancouver Reservations in the summer of 1974 and got there in May, 1975. That was 'home' until another strike, a short one of passenger agents in the spring of 1985.

By the time this was over, my transfer to YVR had come through, so in June, 1985, I started at gates and check-in. This lasted for a few months until a position on the ticket counter became available at schedule change that fall. That is where I remained until my final days at YVR in late October 1997.

My official retirement date was February 1, 1998. Can’t believe it’s already been 23 years!

Best wishes to all,
Linda Reverchon

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