Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |\^/| _| TCA |_ _|\| AIR |/|_ N E T L E T T E R > CANADA < B E T W E E N O U R S E L V E S >_./|\._< for P I O N A I R S | Your crew is: Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson Chief Navigator - Terry Baker tm number 88 date Sept 25th 1996 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Welcome to Bob (and Anne) Robbins, Ottawa District Director Pionairs, can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. . Extended stays in the U.S. Resididency rules - If you are planning an extended stay in the U.S. watch the calender. If you stay too long, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service may view you as a U.S. resident for tax purposes and require that you file a U.S. tax return. If you're in the country more than 30 days, a special formula is used to determine your status. The number of days spent in the U.S. in the current year is added to one third of the days spent in the previous year and one sixth of the days spent in the year before. If the total exceeds 182, you may be considered U.S. resident for tax purposes. . Following reminiscing by Dick Bradbear former Sales Manager at Birmingham, U.K. - from the LHR monthly newsletter - 'Some of you may remember me I am sure and certainly hope so! I joined TCA on 10/6/47 at the old Reservations & Sales or Traffic Office in the old CNR building in Cockspur Street, London, SW1. Actually I was employed as a Reservations agent and served under Graeme Gibson and Pat Wilson with a local staff then of about 6, comprising ticket counter agents, reservations (telephone) and Sales personnel. All were then Canadian employees so I was actually the very FIRST Englishman hired in the U.K. on Traffic side (apart from Scottish staff who may have been senior to me, but have since passed on - sadly). So I saw TCA grow and helped it accordingly. But, of course, Annus Domini creeps up. I am now over 80, in reasonably good health, have my eldest son in Vancouver, in fact my twin grandsons are now 26! My best wishes to all you pionairs amd I can only hope that some of you who do remember me will not forget me!' Dick can be reached c/o U.K.Pionairs, 18 Tekel Way, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 1HX. U.K. ~-=o0o=-~ . Found on the Internet - Pan American World Airways will start full service flights from Miami to New York JFK and New York JFK to Los Angeles Sept 26th. British Airways confirmed that it might sell major support operations, such as maintenance, information technology and baggage handling, and contract these services. The carrier seeks to cut 1 billion pounds ($1.56 billion) in costs over three years. It didn't rule out job cuts in the restructuring, but denied a British news report that it will ax 10,000 of its 55,000 jobs globally. A few things are on the table right now with Canadi>n. 1. The flight attendants' contract has been up for awhile now. The federal mediator walked away saying that both parties are too far apart. 2. Maintenance contract on Airbus Aircraft. - Supposedly this contract has expired. The company doesn't have the cash so they are going to give the aircraft back to to rightful owners. 3. Routes- I heard they are getting rid of the 2 domestic triangles. 1 is the Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver triangle, the other is Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. Source is the follwing papers: The Financial Post, Globe and Mail, and Aviation News(a paper distributed around Pearson airport) In some Canadian web news page today (Sept. 12) apparently each of the 56 flights leaving from Hong Kong to Canada in the last two weeks of June next year have been sold out. This is nervousness by returnees as to their citizenship status and residency rights. Also most of the flights leaving Canada to Hong Kong in the last two weeks of June 1997 have been sold out. It is caused by the rumor that HK permanent residents have to be physically present in HK in order to retain their permanent residency after the Chinese takeover. An independent survey of more than 2,200 frequent travellers worldwide has ranked AIR CANADA as the Best Long Haul Business Class carrier in the Americas. Sixty-seven of the world's airlines were included in the survey that was commissioned and conducted by U.K.-based Inflight Research Services. ``This year's results demonstrate the quality leadership of carriers offering a premium business class cabin and service on long haul routes,'' said Edward Plaisted, Managing Director and founder of Inflight Research Services. ``Of the eleven major North and South American airlines included in our survey, AIR CANADA took first place.'' AIR CANADA's business class was ranked among those of the top five airlines worldwide for its: . Friendliness of cabin staff . Seating comfort . Check-in efficiency . Quantity of onboard food served . Selection and standard of reading material . Quality and utility of products in amenity kits In addition, AIR CANADA's business class was ranked among those of the top ten airlines worldwide for its: . Quality of assistance for arrival and transit passengers . Quality of onboard meal presentation . Standard of facilities and programming for onboard video and audio . Quality and exclusivity of business class priority . Total quality of airport service AIR CANADA's premium business class service to Europe and Asia, Executive First, was introduced in 1994 and continues to lead the industry by offering passengers first class space, comfort, and service at business class prices. On its international routes, the carrier operates Boeing 747 and 767 aircraft as well as Airbus A340s. Passengers are seated one or two abreast and enjoy a spacious 55-60 inch pitch between rows. Seats are a generous 21 inches wide and recline 14 inches. All passengers have arm's length access to state-of-the-art digital telephone with laptop and fax dataports. For audio and video entertainment, Executive First passengers have a personal television at their seat featuring eight video and nine audio channels. In addition to priority check-in and disembarkation, Executive First passengers receive a 25 per cent mileage bonus with Aeroplan or any of AIR CANADA's other quality frequent flyer partners. For the 1996 Independent World Business Class Survey, 2,282 frequent travellers were surveyed over a five month period from February to June 1996. Individuals in the sample group represented 40 nationalities from more than 50 countries who took on average more than 14 long-haul flights in a 12-month period. Twenty-four per cent of the respondents live in North and South America, 36 per cent in Europe, 32 per cent in Asia and the Pacific, and eight per cent in Africa. The survey focused on medium to long-haul business class services and evaluated flights of five to 13 hours in length. ~-=o0o=-~ . Smilie from the London England Pionair monthly newsletter - Getting older is when - Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt doesn't work. The gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bifocals. You feel like the night after and you haven't been anywhere. Your little black book contains only names ending in MD. _|_ '---o-o-0-o-o---' " ' " . That's it for this time, please we need your input, send comments and email addresses of any others who may be interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry. -!- Landing on an Island in the Pacific. _____(~)_____ ! ! ! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <<<>>> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ................................................... . GREETINGS FROM . . Vancouver Island . . BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA . ...................................................

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