Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Chuck Tolley, on October 6, 2021, posted this memory on the Nordair Facebook page.

In 1963, I accepted a teaching position in Kangirsuq (Payne Bay at the time) and traveled from Montreal to Kuujjuaq (Fort Chimo) with Nordair. This was my first flight on a larger aircraft.

The photo below is of Nordair's DC-4, CF-JIR, at the Kuujjuaq airport in late August, 1963. I believe this particular aircraft had been owned by Wheeler Airlines and was later sold to Nordair.

We had originally been scheduled to fly on a 'Super Connie' but it was mechanical and we had to resort to the old faithful DC-4. I had to wait in Kuujjuaq for 10 days until the weather was good and a plane was available to fly us in to Payne Bay.

I eventually traveled the last leg on a Wheeler Norseman. It was the beginning of a great adventure. 

nordair cf jir
Nordair DC-4 CF-JIR at Kuujjuaq airport in late August 1963.

Remember when the crew would pass a captain's bulletin to the passengers during the flight?

Here is a copy of one issued February 3, 1941 while flying over Alberta.

tmb 550 1941 captains bulletin

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