Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |\^/| _| TCA |_ _|\| AIR |/|_ N E T L E T T E R > CANADA < B E T W E E N O U R S E L V E S >_./|\._< for P I O N A I R S | Your crew is: Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson Chief Navigator - Terry Baker tm number 101 date November 24th 1996 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Welcome to - Al Ward who can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Jim Little, now in Vancouver and email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ~-=o0o=-~ . Dates to remember - 1997 CALENDAR OF SYSTEM EVENTS SKI BIG WHITE, B.C. FEB 16-21 HOCKEY CALGARY FEB 25-27 CURLING OTTAWA SQUASH BOCA RATON (FLA) MAY 1-4 PHOTOGRAPHY LONDON, ENG APR 26 ART VANCOUVER BOWLING LONDON MAY 30-JUN 01 SOFTBALL WINNIPEG JUNE 17-19 FLY-IN SOCCER GOLF CHARLOTTETOWN TENNIS DARTS BADMINTON ~-=o0o=-~ . Alan Rust sends us details of the following - Air Canada - ACRA Christmas Dinner Dance Friday, November 29, 1996 Cocktails at 6:30pm. Dinner at 7:30pm Dance at 9:00pm Price - $25.00 per person (bar not included) Place - Sutton Place Hotel on Burrard Street Parking available. Special room rate $95.00 Great Music "HOT WAX" is back again. Door prizes and much more.... All retirees welcome too, of course! Tickets available from all Support Coordinators Alan Rust operates the "ACRA Airline BBS" -(604)541-1878, http://www.mortimer.com/acra ~-=o0o=-~ . Found on the Internet ..NTSB BLAMES AA CREW FOR TREE-TRIMMING. The crew of an American Airlines MD-83 which clipped trees on approach to Bradley International Airport (BDL) in November, failed to monitor the aircraft's altitude the NTSB said last week. Equivocating, the Board also decided the crew's skill in landing the plane--with its engines freshly converted into wood chippers--helped avert disaster. CATERER CLIPS CLIENTS, CLANDESTINE CHARGES IN CHARLOTTE: Dobbs International Services Inc., the largest U.S. airline caterer, agreed to pay more than $6.9 million to settle allegations that it defrauded carriers flying through Charlotte. Prosecutors said Dobbs continued charging airlines for port fees that were eliminated in 1984. What did Dobbs do with all that money? Well, they certainly didn't invest it in the salad dressing! ATTENTION HIJACKERS...DON'T RETURN TO THE SCENE OF THE CRIME: In 1984, Gholamreza Vahidjou hijacked a Iranian domestic Boeing 727, forcing it to land in Qatar. He later fled to Egypt and lived in Iraq, Turkey and France before sneaking back into Iran and adopting a female appearance. Iranian authorities were so amused they made sure he/she would not get a second chance and hanged him/her last week. ~-=o0o=-~ . Help gather the proud history of our airline - When clearing out cupboards and drawers, spare a thought for the Air Canada Archives and Museum. We appeal to all retiress and employees to send any T.C.A. or Air Canada memorabilia to the local co-ordinator in your area. For Pionairs, each District has a designated co-ordinator. Anything you can ferret out - and we mean anything. Items that appear to have little or no value to you could be very valuable to the museum. Old passenger tickets, first day airmail covers, photographs (with suitable identification), uniforms. Please help make the Air Canada, our museum, a great success. ~-=o0o=-~ . Interline stuff Check with the Winnipeg Travel Centre 1-800-413-1113 for sell-offs of Family Affaire destinations from YUL/YYZ to some Caribbean destinations and the Orient from YVR. The Canadian Government travel advisory will spell out the most recent conditions against travelling to a particular region of the world. Unlike the U.S. government, Canada does not threaten to take legal action against its citizens, but if you want to take a chance in travelling to those regions mentioned in a travel advisory, it is up to you. It is advisable to carry your ID card with you at all times when travelling abroad. You will not always be asked to show it for contingent travel on Air Canada or connector flights, but it could be required when on interline travel or in the unfortunate case of illness overseas. The new ID card now has a place for photo and can be obtained by sending a passport size shot of yourself to the Industry Travel Department at Dorval Base. ~-=o0o=-~ . Smilie supplied by Ray Valois A pilot died and went to pilot hell. Satan was there to greet him. Satan said: "You can choose your punishment for the rest of eternity. You see those three doors. You have to select one of the three doors and that will be your punishment for the rest of eternity. I have a ne customer. Take a few minutes to think about it. I'll be back son." Satan left and the pilot was alone in front of the three doors. The pilot thought he would take a sneak peek behind each of the doors. He opened the first door and there he saw a pilot in training, continually going over takeoff checklists, again and again and again. "I can't do this for the rest of eternity!". He opened the second door to find a pilot constantly facing emergency situations: lightning strikes, engines shutting down, wind shear, etc ... "This is worse than the first door. I can't do this for the rest of eternity". He opened the third door to find a pilot being tended to by three lovely flight attendants. "Would you like more cream in your coffee, sir? Is your chair comfortable, sir? Do you wish me to adjust the air conditioning, sir?" "Now that's more like it. This, I can take forever!" Satan came back and asked: "So, have you selected a door?" "I certainly have. I'll take door three". "Ooops, I forgot to tell you that door three is not a pilot option", Satan replied, "That door is flight attendant hell". ~-=o0o=-~ . That's it for this time, please we need your input, send comments and email addresses of any others who may be interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry. -!- Landing on an Island in the Pacific. _____(~)_____ ! ! ! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <<<>>> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ................................................... . GREETINGS FROM . . Vancouver Island . . BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA . ...................................................

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