Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |\^/| _| TCA |_ _|\| AIR |/|_ N E T L E T T E R > CANADA < B E T W E E N O U R S E L V E S >_./|\._< for P I O N A I R S | Your crew is: Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson Chief Navigator - Terry Baker tm number 115 date January 14th 1997 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Mitch Mitchell sends us this note - Please note correct address for Keith should be This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sorry about that. Regards - Mitch . Saville Hambleton, Director Vancouver Island Pionairs sends us this update - 'The next Pionair function on the Island will be the spring luncheon on April 2nd at the Princess Mary Restaurant, with a newsletter going out in March with this info plus dates for the balance of the years activities. Nationally, an Advisory Committee has been struck to make recomendations to the National Executive on the creation of permanent trophies for annual system Pionair competitions. The committee is made up of myself, Bernice Horseman, District Director, Okanagan and John Baker, Disrict Director, UK. Our report should be going forward this month.' Regards for now...Saville ~-=o0o=-~ . Found on the Internet Its one thing to consistently buy from one manufacturer, on the merits, each time an equipment decision must be made. Its another to lock yourself into that arrangement. For another historical example from the opposite perspective, consider Boeing's agreement with United to supply that airline exclusively with B247s, back in the 1930s. Yes, it gave Boeing an assured production run of 60 aircraft (no small thing, then). But it also prevented Boeing from supplying any other airline. One of them turned to Douglas, which produced the DC-2 and then the DC-3 in response to this request. Douglas then went on to dominate civil aviation for 20 years. Delta Air Lines will relocate its operations in Paris from Orly to Charles de Gualle effective April 7th. Air China has ordered two B747-400 aircraft. Continental inaugurates non-stop service Houston to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Continetal pilot didn't know his career was flying into trouble after he ate his ex-wifes home made rye bread that she had laced with marijuana. Singapore Airlines was voted 'Airlines of Year' for 1996 by the magazine 'Execute Travel'. American Airlines was top U.S. domestic carrier and United Airlines top trans-atlantic carrier. Traffic at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) increased by 22% during 1996 over 1995. Worlds busiest airport was Chicago Ohare (ORD) followed by Atlanta (ATL) Los Angeles (LAX) then Dallas (DAL) and London Heathrow (LHR). Calling an airline to ask whether a plane is on time or not is often a trip itself, into a long period on hold, or voice hell. But for any plane in flight in the U.S. mainland, a site on the Internet offers a map that shows the planes route of flight, its location on that route, accutate to 2 or 3 minutes, and expected time of arrival. The free service is at http://www.amerwxcncpt.com/ FAA ORDERS SPECIAL TRAINING FOR FAT ALBERT FLYERS Dear Boeing 737 pilot, Happy New Year! Now that we've got that out of the way, we at the FAA have some new training and new procedures for you to master during your next semi-annual recurrency trip the sim, a hedge against uncommanded rudder swings. The details are in new revisions to your flight manuals and emergency checklists, but here it is in a nutshell: fly the airplane, step on the ball, pickle off the autopilot and autothrottles, lower the nose, increase airspeed, don't try to hold altitude. Lather, rinse and repeat as necessary. ~-=o0o=-~ In the recent draw for a trip to Toulouse to return with the new Airbus A319, the entry 'boarding pass' did not have any postal address for its return by retirees. In speaking with Diane Moser- Elliott we were advised that the draw was not intended to include anyone except active employees. The reason retirees were not included is that, when active employees are on 'company business' they are covered 24 hours a day for insurance purposes, whereas retirees are not. However, some 'boarding passes' were inadvertently sent to retirees and special arrangements had to be made for any retireee lucky enough to win a berth. Diane Moser-Elliott also advises us that arrangements are well underway to have the monthly 'Horizons' to appear an a web site. Hopefully the March edition will be the first and details should be in the February edition and requesting feedback. (You heard it here first! - eds) ~-=o0o=-~ . Interline stuff Diane Moser-Elliott send us this advice - Don't forget to retain your 'Horizons', December copy, as all the information re black-out periods are there and you will NOT get any pass entitlement package now that the CHIP program is in place. New arrangements for pass travel on Continetal will be printed in the February 'Horizons'. The 10% US departure tax and US$6 US customs tax has been withdrawn. Still confused about the passes and how to make them out? Watch the February edition of 'Horizons' which should have an article on the subject. South Africa tour. 11 days weekly departures every Thursday from a US gateway on Swissair via Zurich. Johannesburg, Kruger National Park, and Eastern Transvaal. Some meals included. Cost from US$2229 pp dbl. 13 days weekly departures each Sunday from US gateway on Swissair via Zurich. Nairobi, Samburu, Treetops, Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha and Maasi Mara. Some meals included. Cost from US$2059 pp dbl. All prices are pp dbl and include round trip space available Swissair, breakfast and accommodations in Nairobi, accommodations and all meals while on safari. Hotel and breakfast in Zurich. Call 1-800-422-3727 for more dtails. ~-=o0o=-~ . Smilies found by Vesta - Anyone can write English, judging by these signs and notices from around the world; but they have difficulty with idioms. The collection is attributed to an Air France bulletin, dated 1 December 1989. In a Tokyo hotel: Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not a person to do such thing please do not read notis. In a Bucharest hotel: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable. In a Leipzig elevator: Do not enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up. In a Belgrade hotel elevator: To move the cabin, push button for wishing floor. If cabin should enter more persons, each should press a number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by national order. In a Paris hotel: Leave your values at the front desk. ~-=o0o=-~ . That's it for this time, please we need your input, send comments and email addresses of any others who may be interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry. -!- Landing on an Island in the Pacific. _____(~)_____ ! ! ! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <<<>>> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ................................................... . GREETINGS FROM . . Vancouver Island . . BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA . ...................................................

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