Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Jack Morath of the UK Pionairs sends this -

I noticed in the latest NetLetter #1511 a few of the airline initials and their names for each one.

It reminded me of the ones we used many years ago, although I think you put some of them in your NetLetter some years ago.

  • BOAC - Better on Air Canada.
  • BEA - Back every afternoon or Britain's excuse for an Airline.
  • SAS - Sex and satisfaction.
  • Take a chance and fly Air France.
  • Finnair is what they fly on.
  • Aer Lingus - Air Fungas.

On the Transatlantic some of the airlines were as follows:

  • TWA - To walk across.
  • TCA - To crawl across.


From Sam Longo AME, A&P -

tmb 250 sam longoHello,

Richard Kruszka, a US subscriber, was interested in Nordair and the smaller airlines.

Might I suggest that he pick up a copy of my book, 'A Wrench in the Wings, Life Lessons from an Aircraft Mechanic' chronicling my adventures working for Nordair in the 70's as well as Air Canada later in my career.

Available in Amazon.ca and Amazon.com (USA)

Keep up the great work on the Netletter!


Sam Longo AME, A&P

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