Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

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`-,@@@@@@@@@@    Merry Christmas.      _
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/,-/,-'~         And all the best for 1998!
;    /,-'~
`,_,-~                 Les meilleurs voeux pour 1998!

. Picture sent in by Mark Caduc - which says it all!

Your crew is: Chief Pilot    - Vesta Stevenson
Co-pilot       - Terry Baker  tm

"Between Yourselves - NetLetter" 
number 225     date Dec 24th 1997


. From: Olie & Mary Moore
The Pionairs National Executive wish all of you a very Merry
As we come close to the end of another year we are grateful for
all the new friendships we have made through Pionairs and we hope
you have a healthy and prosperous New Year.
We will look forward to meeting you at the Pionairs Annual General
Meeting May 17, 18, 19/98 in Toronto.
Olie - President, Fraser Muir - Past President,
Donna Coutts - 1st. Vice President,
Bill Ripley - 2nd. Vice President,
Roy McCormack - Treasurer, Mary Moore - Secretary
Leo Goulet - Pension/Retiree Benefits Rep.


. Welcome to Joe and Lilo Timp retired Customer Services Supervisor
Toronto and living in Oakville, Ont.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Herman Arndt living in Calgary, can be contacted on
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joan Wong ex In-flight Services, living in Ottawa has
an email of: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


From the Winter 1998 edition of 'Sentinel' Montreal District.
Director's Corner
Since the last edition, we have held our District Directors meeting
on November 19 and 20, 1997 at the Toronto Colony Hotel, the site of
the 1998 AGM.  Many issues were discussed with the National
committee and you will be made aware of the outcome when all the
information is compiled and sent out some time in the month of
Our Christmas Dinner was held on December 3rd, 1997 at which time
we saw a few new faces. However we would like to see more new people
attend.  You never know, you might meet someone you worked with in
the past and you could reacquaint yourselves.
We have other activities planned for this year and, hopefully, it
may be of interest to you and we would be glad to see you.  We will
try to  keep you posted through our Sentinel or the company magazine
Horizons. Until next time, keep well! Herb Guilfoyle
(If the Montreal District lets us know, the NetLetter will pass
any news on - eds)

Pionairs executive board semi-annual meeting November 20th, 1997
The meeting was held at the Toronto Colony Hotel with all board
members present.  A number of items were on the agenda, some of
which might be of interest: Leo Goulet advised that the pension plan
was in good shape.  The growth was a healthy 7%.  The total worth of
the fund as of June 1,1997 was 4.446 billion.  He also advised that
there would be a meeting held with Met Life in December to review
plan 2 as the expense vs. income were coming very close.
Air Canada will provide more information on this to all members of
the plan.
One of the other items was the AGM for 1998. The hotel advised that
room rates would be CA$109.00 single/double and that triple would be
CA$124.00 plus 5% and 7% tax.
Great plans are under way for the entertainment part of the program.
All tours will be offered when the National committee mails the
literature out to you, in February. It looks like there will be
something for all tastes.
Fraser Muir brought us up to date on the Archives Project.
He asked that each district appoint a co-ordinator and our
ever-dependable Pam Rosholt has offered to accept that job in our


. Don Demeza has returned from his cruise and sends us this -

Our Panama Canal cruise was everything that I'd hoped for.
I've been looking forward to it for a long time and the Princess
Cruise Line has put together an excellent package.
Sometimes we took the ship organized tours (Cabo San Lucas,
Acapulco, Cartagena) and at the other stops we made our own
arrangments. Cartagena, Costa Rica and Aruba are well worth another
visit and the day in the canal was great - I was out at dawn as we
approached Panama and (except for eating) stayed on deck until we'd
cleared land at Cristobal on the Atlantic side.
During the trip I read McCullough's book,"The Path Between the Seas".
It is very detailed and includes both the politics and construction
by the French (20 years) and the Americans (15 years).  36,000 lost
their lives and the politics are sometimes hilarious. Believe it or
not the Crown Princess almost ran aground in one of the narrow
channels approaching Gatun Lake.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I
saw the bow move left and head for shore just as we were passing a
dredge and two scows on our left.  From my position just below the
bridge the land actually disappeared under the overhanging bow.
The crew on the scows were casting off lines, I heard our stern
anchor go out and we stopped.  They couldn't turn right because the
stern was too close to the dredge. No harm done - they backed up and
the bow thrusters straightened us out. I couldn't find out what
happened - the ship was silent on the subject.
All the best for '98 and a Merry Christmas
(The problem with the cruise ship could only have been a computer
error Don! - eds)



Star Alliance airlines have announced the signature of a cargo
partnership agreement mirroring the existing cooperation for
passenger services.  The alliance has not been named Star Alliance
Cargo, as one might have expected, suggesting that it is open to
airlines interested in joining only the freight alliance, such as
Korean Air.

Pilots from Atlantic Excellence Alliance airlines and Finnair have
announced the creation of the Global Pilot Alliance, the first such
grouping representing all pilots whose airlines have formed an
alliance. The aim of the Global Pilot Alliance is to present a more
unified pilot front to deal with safety and labour-management issues
that cut across international boundaries, in order to prevent member
airlines from diverting a larger than natural share of flights to
the airline with the least competitive pilot compensation.
The Global Pilot Alliance is representing 12,000 pilots.



A Regal Beijing Special, land only from CA$550 pp dbl, highlights:
Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tian An Men Square,
Temple of Heaven, Hard Rock Cafe. Departs Vancouver Mondays
during Jan, Feb and Mar 2 & 9th, for 8 days.
Historic China, visit China's most popular cities:
Shanghai, Suzhou, Qufu, Jinan, Mt. Tai, Beijing. Land only
CA$1499 pp dbl for 15 days departs YVR Feb 23/98.
Guided Tours to Egypt, or Israel or Turkey, 7, 8 or 9 day tours
depending on country selected. Includes accommodations,
many meals, cruise & domestic flights as required,
side tours, all transfers and services of a guide.
All from US$699 pp dbl.
Jewels of Morocco, land only, 9 days for CA$618 pp dbl.
Departs Mar 13/98 to visit Rabat, Meknes, Fez & Marrakesh.
Call 1-800-690-3223 for details and mention Pionairs.

The best of Italy - Land only tour for 13 days departs Apr 25/98
cost CA$1154 pp dbl. Includes: Tour guide,
Accommodations, hotel taxes, tips, porterage,
service charges, 12 continental breakfasts,
8 dinners, private airconditioned coach,
canal transfer boat in Venice, transfer to
Call 1-800-665-3100 for details and mention Pionairs.


. Smilie.
The rest from the Airline dictionary sent to us
by Lawson Tremellen

Air Traffic Control
A game played by airline pilots and air traffic controllers.
The game has no rules, and neither side knows how it is played,
but the goal is to prevent flights from arriving in time for
passengers to make connecting flights.
Ticket Agent
A superhuman with the patience of a saint, the herding ability
of an Australian sheepdog, the E.S.P. abilities of Uri Geller,
the compassion of a psychoanalysts, and and the tact of a diplomat.
They have mysterious abilities to control wind/rain/snow/fog and
all other weather phenomenon.
They are capable of answering three questions at one time, while
talking on the phone, and without stuttering or choking on their
tongue. Later in life they sit in parks carrying on mysterious
conversations with themselves.
Happy Holidays and cheers Lawson Tremellen


.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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|  Between Yourselves     |______________ \______====== )-+
|       NetLetter         |                      ~~~|/~~  |
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~Between Yourselves-Netletter~
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.                 GREETINGS FROM                  .
.                Vancouver Island                 .
.              BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA              .

NetLetter Subscription
