Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995


_| TCA |_            B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_                   N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<                   for Air Canada retirees
Your crew is: Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson
Co-pilot     - Terry Baker

number 227     date Dec 30th 1997
Published since October  1995.

. Your crew  wish to thank all those who took time to contribute to
the contents of our 'Between Yourselves - NetLetter' during this
past year - thank you.


. Welcome to Carl and Mary Starodub. Carl retired Jul 31/90 and
living in Winnipeg MB, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lorne Timbers who has an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


. Those of you trying to get in touch with Ed Spaiches - well it
seems that his Internet Provider - mulberry.ca has gone under
the proverbial bush! Ed now subscribes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
try it - it is the New Years!



Thursday  January 1, 1998
H A P P Y   N E W  Y E A R
Montreal, Lunch at Chenoy's Pte Claire

Friday  January 2, 1998
Ottawa, KoffeeKlatsches, Family Restaurant, Carlingwood

Monday  January 5, 1998
Halifax Bowling 1pm Bayers Road Bowlorama
London, UK, coffee at 11am Harvester Pub,
Ashford Middlesex

Tuesday  January 6, 1998
Kelowna/Vernon 10am Coffee&Chat at Muffin Break.
Penticton 10:am Coffee&Chat at Tim Hortons
Cherry Lane Shopping Mall  
Prestwick, Lunch at St Nicholas Hotel

Wednesday  January 7, 1998
Halifax Lunch Armdale Yacht Club

Friday  January 9, 1998
Ottawa, KoffeeKlatsches, Family Restaurant,
Carlingwood Shopping

Sunday  January 11, 1998
Ottawa, Brunches, PlaceNextDoor 320 Rideau St.
info 841-7091

Wednesday  January 14, 1998
Alexandria AC Retirees Lunch Grp.
for info Clive 613-525-4819
or Cam 224-6469

Friday  January 16, 1998
Ottawa, KoffeeKlatsches, Family Restaurant,
Carlingwood Shopping

Visiting Retirees are more than welcome at any of these events.
Come and meet with some of your ex work friends.


.  Gord Hykle sends this thought provoking message:

Re your 'Between Yourselves - NetLetter" Nr 226 about the A319.
My son David is now flying it right-seat based at YWG.
Every once in a while I see names in the company that seem
familiar and I was wondering how many other offspring of retirees
are carrying on the airline tradition?
Gord email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your "Between Yourselves - NetLetter" Editors would also like to
acknowledge when your daughters and/or sons or close relatives,
are following in your footsteps.


The Farnborough Air Display for 1998 is planned for July 24-30th,
this is a departure from the usual September date of previous
years. The change is to realign with the Royal International
Air Tattoo being held at Fairford UK on Jul 16-23rd. The change
will allow for the top echelons of the civil and military
fraternity to cut costs by attending both events without
the expense of returning later in the year.


The last airworthy Bristol Britannia flew into Kemble Airport UK
last October 10th, ending a 45 year career for the 'Whispering
Giant'. The Britannia Aircraft Preservation Trust took delivery
of the aircraft which had been donated by Transair Cargo and had
been flown from Johannesburg, South Africa. The aircraft was the
14th of 85 built and, at one time, saw service with the Cuban
airline AeroCaribbean from 1984 - 1990.


. L1011 TriStar:
TWA retired the last of its fleet of Lockheed L1011 TriStar jets
on September 3rd 1997 at JFK airport. Over the years, TWA operated
36 different L1011's being one of the launch customers in June '72.
Delta Air Lines and American Trans Air are the only operators
of passenger L1011 in the US. Air Trans AT are operating L1011 in

The Brooklands Museum Aviation Collection is assembled at the old
Brooklands race track, 20 miles south of LHR. Brooklands is the
former home of Vickers Armstrongs Ltd, makers of the Viscount
and Vanguard operated by Trans Canada Air Lines/Air Canada.
Some of the passenger aircraft manufactured by Vickers and
on static display include:
Viking built 1946.
Wellington built 1939 and was retrieved from Loch Ness after it
crashed and lay submerged for over 40 years.
Varsity built 1951.
Viscount built 1958 and donated by British Air Ferries.
Vanguard built 1961 and donated by Hunting Air Cargo Airlines.
VC10 built 1964 and donated by the Sultan of Onan.



Keith Hatfield sends us this information from the
Atlantic Canada Pionairs Autumn Newsletter -

Tuesday October 21st witnessed the departure of one of Air
Canada's 767s from Halifax International Airport on a special
annual mission, the fourth of its kind.  Aboard it were 120
children and 70 volunteers (nearly half being Air Canada
employees), eager to absorb the many wonders to be found at Walt
Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
One of eight such Dream Flights supported by Air Canada across
the System, this one recognizes all six Atlantic Air Canada
stations.  The year-long efforts of employees at Air Canada
(both across the country and in Tampa, Florida) and Air Nova, the
Pionairs as well as a host of various contributing sponsors, have
once again been rewarded by the outcome: plenty of happy and
long-lasting memories for children whose chances of going to the
Magic Kingdom would be otherwise remote.
Email for Keith Hatfield is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Canadian Interline Travel Hot Resort Deals!

- Sale ends Dec 31/97
- One week with Positive Space Air included!
- ***ONLY US$399.00 per person double***

- PLAYA BLANCA: Jan 11-18, 18-25, 25-Feb 1, 1-7, 1998 (AIR from JFK)
- HUATULCO: Jan 10-17, 24-31, 31-Feb 7, 1998 (AIR from DFW)
- ELEUTHERA: Jan 2-9, 9-16, 16-23, 23-30, 30-Feb 6, 6-13, 1998
(AIR from JFK)
- IXTAPA: Jan 10-17, 17-24, 24-31, Feb 28-Mar 7,1998
(AIR from SFO or LAX)
- IXTAPA: Jan 10-17, 24-31, 31-Feb 7, Feb 28-Mar 7 (AIR from ORD)

Call 1-800-665-3100 and mention Pionairs.

Vesta, our Chief Pilot tells us that parking at Victoria Airport
is due to increase by a whopping 43% effective February 1/1998.
Revised prices will be -

CA$150.00 for monthly stay. (commuters)
CA$8.00 hr minimum CA$60.00 per wk.long term.
CA$2.00 hr - short per day stay
( I don't know if there is a minimum per day charge probably
the CA$8.00)
(Does this make car parking at Victoria Airport the most
expensive airport in Canada, can your Airport top ours?
Does this take the place of an Airport Improvement Tax?
Let us know - eds)


. Smilies.
Found by Terry Baker -
From the 'Regulations For Operation of Aircraft' cica 1920,
originally published by the US War Office.

. Never leave the ground with the motor leaking.
. In taking off, look at the ground and the air.
. Never get out of a machine with the motor running until
the pilot relieving you can reach the controls.
. No machine must taxi faster than a man can walk.
. Hedge-hopping will not be tolerated.
. Learn to gauge altitude, especially on landing.
. No spins on back or tail slides will be indulged in as
they unnecessarily strain the machines.


.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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|  Between Yourselves     |______________ \______====== )-+
|       NetLetter         |                      ~~~|/~~  |
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~Between Yourselves-Netletter~
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mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.          

.                 GREETINGS FROM                  .
.                Vancouver Island                 .
.              BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA              .

NetLetter Subscription
