Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

archives200sWelcome to the NetLetter Archives

In August 2009, we started a very large undertaking to archive all of the NetLetters that have been published since its inception in October 1995. This was in conjuction with an upgrade to the NetLetter website which you are viewing now.

We're happy to announce that the 1st phase of our upgrade is now complete in that we now have;

  1. A new logo
  2. A newly upgraded website
  3. All issues of the NetLetter have been archived and published in a searchable format in one place.

As of this writing, April 23, 2010 we have published 1,116 issues of the NetLetter. The response has been a bit overwhelming at times. We have received many positive comments along with donations which has encourages us to keep the issues rolling and also to undertake this major website upgrade and expansion of the NetLetter.

One of the things we became aware of (many years ago) was that we were actually creating a historical record of people, events and places related to TCA, Air Canada, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and other airlines that all ended up being what is presently Air Canada. The end result is the NetLetter Archives which can now be viewed by using the numerous links on the right. Don't forget the search function as well, you may find yourself or one of your co-workers listed on the pages that we we have been creating since 1995.

Yours Sincerely,

The NetLetter Team


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